
For millions of children and young people, education provides one of the main routes out of poverty.

A huge gap has developed between the education children receive in parts of the world where access to technology is limited and everyone else.

It’s a gap you can help close.

You can donate unwanted computers and equipment to improve access to information technology in rural primary schools in the Gulu District, Uganda.

Your donations will support girls to access digital education in primary schools, helping to remove some of the barriers they face in their communities.

You can help children from Gulu with disabilities too. We are especially keen to receive equipment that can help children with impairments that affect how they use technology.

Helping these children and young people get the equipment they need in the form of computes, assistive digital technology and skills in Uganda is a priority for the Gulu Team Initiative. We know that with the right support and access, a better future can be a reality for these children.

Donate to support capacity building of teachers in rural schools in Uganda on digital technology.

Thank you for your support!