THE GIRL CHILD FREEDOM CAMPAIGN strategic move with gear towards the social development of our disadvantaged African Children in the rural areas of Gulu especially the school going teenagers between 10-17 years.

As we are aware hundreds of young girls aged 10-17 in the rural areas of Gulu are ring fenced in the chains of menstruation period management and yet this is a natural occurrence in the stages of growth and development that should not be an hinderance to education and social inclusion.

 But to date the girls face these challenges ranging from the prices of sanitary towels, shame and stigma and this has affected the girl child socially and they often lose interest in education especially during those periods and they get to never regain this time wasted which has affected their concentration and performance in class. Menstrual period is often seen as a two- three days occurrence but the effect in deep in the lives of these young girls.

.The Girl Child Freedom Campaign seeks to:

  • Create awareness on the chains the disadvantaged Girl is locked in during her menstrual period and we believe that when we come together and speak out to parents and fellow children about how our daughters and sisters requires our support during the menstrual period.
  • To mobilize funds and purchase thousands of sanitary pads and provide to our girl child to help keep them clean and in school.
  • Rebound the girl child with their peers and stakeholders as we come together to run for freedom.


The Girl Child freedom campaign shall bring the 5km Freedom Marathon from Gwengdiya Trading Centre to the District Adminstration in Awach Town Council it’s a  sport engagement that we are working on 14th June 2022 in Gulu District, we have organized it in such a way that its final falls on the commemoration of the day of the African Child on the 15th June 2022. We are putting this to you because we believe there are one or two things, we can adopt that can support the girl child break the chain of menstrual stress.

To achieve this, we plan to sell T-shirts and sports Vest to fundraise for the event, each T-shirt shall be 25,000 Ugx and 20,000 ugx for the vest.